Wayne Reaves Advantage

Our Special End-of-Year Newsletter for You

December 2024

Hello Everyone, 

It’s an exciting and inspiring time to be in the independent auto dealer industry! As we wrap up the end of 2024, we here at Wayne Reaves Software would like to share with you some useful information to help you make a strong start into the new year - 2025!

Going forward, this newsletter will give you a Quarterly snapshot on company news, product upgrades, compliance requirements, and industry trends, as well as provide you with some helpful tips for getting the most out of your Wayne Reaves Software Solutions. 

As always, feel free to reach out to me or any member of the Wayne Reaves Software support team with any questions or simply to share ideas and collaborate on how we all can be more successful!

Thank you for being our customer. We truly appreciate your business and wish you every success in the coming year. And if we are not already your vital business partner, please call us today!

Happy holidays and stay safe,

Jason Reaves

President and CEO

Wayne Reaves Software


1. Company News

During 2024, Wayne Reaves Software hit many milestones and received industry recognitions for which we are so grateful.

We’d like to share some of this news with you.

Founder’s Day

In October, Wayne Reaves Software celebrated its first “Founder’s Day” commemorating Wayne Reaves and the company he founded October 10, 1987. “With the passing of my father, Wayne Reaves, earlier this year, we decided to start a tradition of having an annual Founder’s Day celebration, in recognition of and gratitude for our family and employees who every day exhibit an exceptional spirit of commitment, dedication, and camaraderie for our business and the company’s success,” said Jason Reaves. The company brought everyone together for a luncheon gathering and plans to continue this tradition annually as we approach our 40th anniversary in just three years.

Founder’s Day smiles all around!

Hall of Fame Inductee - Georgia Independent Auto Dealers Association (GIADA) 

In July, GIADA’s 68th Annual Convention Grand Banquet and Awards was a night filled with celebration, recognition, and appreciation for outstanding individuals in the independent automotive industry. One of the highlights of the evening was the induction of our President and CEO, Jason Reaves, into the GIADA Hall of Fame with a lifetime achievement award. This prestigious recognition is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication to the automotive industry. Reaves’ father and company founder, Wayne Reaves, was inducted into the GIADA Hall of Fame in 2017.

In addition, Jason received the Wheel, Eagle and Crystal Eagle awards, recognizing his exceptional achievements and commitment to excellence in obtaining memberships. We’d be remiss not to mention that Jason also served as moderator for the entire event, as well as organized the outstanding dealer education for the convention. All of the 2024 GIADA honorees and award recipients serve as inspirations to others, embodying the values and principles that drive our industry forward

Jason Reaves and Pierce Reaves

Wayne Reaves’ Contribution to Automotive Industry Honored at 54th Annual AIADA

The Alabama Independent Auto Dealers Association (AIADA) held its 54th annual convention and trade expo July 19-20, 2024. We were greatly appreciative of the special honor they bestowed on the memory of our founder, Wayne Reaves, as having been a pillar in the automotive industry. With the company he founded in 1987, Wayne Reaves’ innovative software and lifetime commitment to the industry has advanced and continues to advance the success of independent auto dealers everywhere. 

FIADA Vendor of the Year

From October 6-8, 2024, the Florida Independent Auto Dealers Association (FIADA) held its annual convention and expo. Wayne Reaves Software was honored to receive FIADA’s “Vendor of the Year” award. This award is presented to the vendor who has demonstrated exceptional partnership, high-quality service and support, customer-driven product innovation, and an unwavering commitment to the FIADA organization’s efforts to deliver excellence to independent auto dealers throughout the state of Florida.

Bob Higgins, Jason Reaves, and Pierce Reaves from Wayne Reaves
Software, with Chuck Bonanno, Executive Director of FIADA.

Congratulations, Pierce Reaves! - Newly Appointed Chief Revenue Officer

Please join us in congratulating Pierce Reaves in his new position as Chief Revenue Officer for Wayne Reaves Software! In his new role, Pierce will continue to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, working in company operations, and with sales, partners, business development and innovation efforts.

2. Useful Dealer Resources & Links

Watch Full DMS Software Demo

New to Dealer Management System (DMS) software or just wanting a refresher? Check out our full DotNet DMS SOFTWARE DEMO today.

Email Support

We’re here for you! You can email our Technical Support Team at any time:  support@waynereaves.com. When you send us an email, please be sure to provide your dealer name and account number, plus your name and phone number.

Training Videos

Our TRAINING VIDEOS are great how-to tools to keep you productive. These videos are available online, 24/7, for anytime access.

Dealer Associations & State Resources

Already a member of your State’s Independent Auto Dealer Association?  If not, we encourage you to join to receive access to industry information unique to your state as well as any applicable national and federal requirements. By the way, State membership automatically grants membership in the national NIADA.

Location Association Link
National NIADA niada.com
Georgia GIADA giada.org
GA DMV/Tax dor.georgia.gov
Florida FIADA fiada.com
FL TAX dor.myflorida.com
FL DMV flhsmv.gov
Carolinas CIADA theciada.com
South Carolina SC TX dor.sc.gov
SC DMV scdmvonline.com
North Carolina NC DMV ncdot.gov
NC TAX ncdor.gov
Alabama ALAIDA alabamaiada.org
AL DMV/TAX revenue.alabama.gov
Mississippi MSIADA msiada.org
MS DMV/TAX dor.ms.gov
Louisiana LAIADA louisianaiada.com
LA DMV expresslane.org
LA TAX revenue.louisiana.gov
Tennessee TNIADA tniada.com
TN DMV tn.gov/revenue/title-and-registration.html
TN TAX tn.gov/revenue.html
Texas TXIADA txiada.org
TX DMV txdmv.gov
TX TAX comptroller.texas.gov/taxes
Ohio OHIADA ohiada.org
OH TAX tax.ohio.gov
OH DMV bmv.ohio.gov
Virginia VIADA viada.org
VA TAX tax.virginia.gov
VA DMV dmv.virginia.gov

3. Period-end Reporting & Recommendations (Year and Quarter)

Period-end reporting can be daunting. We’d like to share some recommendations that may help organize key aspects of period-end reporting for you. These suggestions assume that you have completed your business for the period and have made all of the necessary sales, adjustments, payment voids, balance credits, repossessions, write-offs, and inventory additions or deletions. A separate section, “Saving Deal Information,” can be found in ADDITIONAL YEAR-END CONSIDERATIONS.

Note: All of the information and suggestions provided here are the individual opinions of Wayne Reaves Computer Systems, Inc. employees. This document should not be construed to be, nor should it take the place of, qualified legal, financial, or tax advice from a licensed professional with experience in the industry.

Important Backups 

The importance of period-end backups cannot be stressed enough. Here are some suggested guidelines to follow:

  • Desktop Version users should make TWO program backups on the LAST business day of the period, after all daily transactions are posted. Store these backups in separate places for security. 

  • At least one of the program backups should be stored off premises. If the other backup is left at the lot, it should be stored in a secure fire-and-water safe. 

  • Check your program backups to make sure they have successfully transferred to the stored media. 

Reports to Run

At period-end reporting, the types of reports listed below should be run, printed out, and also saved as a PDF file. If a report has an Excel-save option, the report should be saved as that as well. If you have an in-house Related Finance Company (RFC), or a separate corporation for handling Leases, those reports should be kept separate, even those reports that handle all types, such as a Cash Sheet.

Note these considerations in the report types that follow:

  • References to “All Dates” assume 01/01/2024 – 12/31/2024 for Year-End Reporting. For Quarter-end, use the appropriate date range referenced.

  • Car Lot AR Types are USUALLY 1 through 49. Check your Company Setup to make sure before running reports. The “Detail” version of reports can be exceptionally long, such as the Cash Sheet and Sales Reports. When possible, save the Detail Version of the report to a PDF/CSV File, and print out the Summary Version.

  • References to the AR Types or Inv Lot Numbers are the Defaults; check and use YOUR specific values.


  • Customer Summary -- Run four separate reports:

    • A/R Active Types 1-45

    • Write offs AR Type 46-46

    • Bankrupt AR Type 47-47

    • Repos AR Type 48-48

  • Wholesale AR by Dealer -- AR Types 1-99

  • Sales Report -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Wholesale Report -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Cash Sheet -- Car Lot -- All Dates and AR Types – Set option to (Car Lot Only)

  • Be sure to select Summary Only for a Printed Version! 

  • Standard Repossession Report – (Car Lot) -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Write-off Repossession Report – (Car Lot) – All Dates and Types

  • Adjustments Report -- (Car Lot) -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Car Company Loss on Sale (if they sell accounts) – All Dates and Types.

    • A copy of this will be put with the Finance Company reports

  • Sales Tax Report -- All dates and AR Types – Summary Only

  • Charge-off Report – (Car Lot) -- All Dates and Charge-off Type Only

  •  Sales Tax report for December, to estimate liability.


  • Lease Company AR Types are usually 1 through 99.

  • Check Company Setup before running reports (Utilities, Set Up Company, Lease Company Setup).

  • Lease Customer Summary (run four separate reports)

    • All Active Lease AR Types 

    • Bankrupt

    • Repo

    • Write-off / Charge-off

  • Lease Inventory Lots 1-99

  • Lease Report -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Cash Sheet -- Lease -- Set option to 5, Lease Only -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Sales Tax Report – All Dates and AR Types


  • RFC AR Types are USUALLY 50 through 99.

  • Check Company Setup before running reports (Utilities, Set Up Company, Lease Company Setup).

  • Finance Company Customer Summary (run four separate reports)

    • All Active FC AR Types

    • Write-offs

    • Bankrupt

    • Repossessions

  • Cash Sheet (Printer output is for Summary only; Detail Report save to file)

    • For Finance Company Only -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Adjustments Report

    • For Finance Company – All Dates and AR Types

  • Both the Standard AND Write-off Repossession Reports

    • For Finance Company – All Dates and AR Types

  • Charge-off Report – Finance Company, All Dates.

  • Purchased Notes Report -- All Dates and AR Types

  • Car Company Loss on Sale for Accountant -- All Dates and AR Types.

Note: These are the “typical” reports requested by accountants and tax professionals.If your CPA requests different parameters for the reports, run them however the CPA wants, using the parameters shown here. Should you get a new CPA and the new CPA wants to revert to the typical way, you will have this version available to reference.

Before the period ends, run these reports and save them as PDF files to familiarize yourself with the process and reporting requirements. 

If you have any questions, contact us at:  support@waynereaves.com or 888.477.9707 before the last week of the year. We anticipate a high volume of calls that week. If you email, be sure to provide your dealer name and account number, plus your name and phone number

4. Accounting & Tax Recommendations (Year End)

When considering year-end activities, beyond standard reporting procedures, some important additional aspects include: auditing, IRS compliance, related FAQ, savings deals, selling accounts to in-house RFCs, CPA help, and more.


Year-end is the best time to consider pre-auditing your business. Start with these basic questions to ask as the Manager or Owner of the business:

  • Do my Transaction Reports match my Bank Deposits?

  • Is my bank account(s) ready to be reconciled?

  • Have I authorized all non-payment transactions such as: voids, credits, other adjustments.

  • Can I account for the entire Inventory? The IRS requires a complete physical inventory including: Master Inv Report reconciled to the As of a Date Report, Units for Sale, Units on Hold (Repairs, Demos, Repo Holds)

  • Are ALL Titles in hand or accounted for in the ETR system?

  • Valuation Audit - recheck all valuations using NADA values.

  • Does the DMS have the most accurate valuation?

  • Are any valuations suspiciously high or low? If so, re-state the value and report these to CPA.

  • Have any units devalued significantly? If so, report these to your CPA with the original value and current value.

  • Has the Car Lot paid the RFC for all Repos?

  • Are there any other sales that seem unusual?

IRS Compliance

To be fully compliant with the IRS, there are certain criteria that must be met. Some information to use/reference:

  • From 8300 Reports and Consumer Notifications

  • 1099-C and 1099-Misc

  • Payroll ready for W2 forms? Fixed Cut-off date?

  • Do we need updated W4 forms? (Yes, every year)

  • I-9 Forms on file for every employee?

Related FAQ

  • Do I have outstanding Receivables that need to be settled?

  • Do I have outstanding Payables to be settled?

  • Have I dealt with, or do I have a plan to deal with Property Taxes?

  • Are there any questions I have for my CPA?

  • RFC: Have I maintained the proper relationship distance with the car lot?

  • Is it time to renew my State License?

  • Are my advertising and digital marketing fulfilling my needs?

  • Do I have an Operations Plan for next year? For example:

    • Marketing Planning

    • Sales Goals

    • Financial Planning

    • Staff Analysis

  • Average unit cost to sell (AUCS) (see discussion below)

Saving Deals: Avoid Cross-Period Reporting Issues

If you enter a deal in late December 2024, and save it as a Pending Sale (or Lease), then re-open this deal after January 1, 2025, and save it as a Completed Deal, you will have a cross-period reporting issue.

The Sale will have a 2024 date, and the income from the down payment (or cash payment or lien holder check) will have a 2025 date. Depending on the Sales Tax method, this deal may be reported as 2024 (Accrual Method) or 2025 (Cash Method). For Income Tax purposes, this will be a 2024 sale. However, your receipts (the actual income) will be in 2025. The Account Receivable will have an opening date and opening balance show up in 2024, even though, for all practical purposes, this is a 2025 account.

To avoid this, on the last day of the year, re-open ALL Pending Sales, change the Deal, or Sale, Date to 1/1/2025. This will prevent you from having to re-print and revise the reports you may have already turned over to your accountant.

Selling Accounts to In-house RFC
If your CPA advises that you sell accounts to In-house RFC for 2024, then make sure this is done before running these reports. Otherwise, both the Car Lot and Finance Company Accounts Receivable reports will change. This also greatly affects both your Income and Sales Tax Reporting.The Cash Method states that all remaining Sales Tax is due and payable upon sale of the account. This income, for both Income and Sales Tax purposes, is reported as having been collected on the date of sale of the account to the RFC.

Regardless of the amount the Car Lot collected for the account, even if the entire Principal was not collected from the RFC, all remaining Sales Taxes are now payable. The Taxable Principal amount shown on the Sales Tax report will be the remaining taxes divided by the tax percentage.

CPA Help

If your CPA has any questions for us about your reporting or the Wayne Reaves program itself, have them call us before year-end. They will need to identify the dealership they are calling about. 

Note: We do require the dealer to send an email to support@waynereaves.com advising us of the CPA’s name and firm. This will confirm that we have your authorization to talk to them about your business.


Go to IRS.gov to get updated W-4 and I-9 forms. If your state Department of Revenue requires a form like the W-4, they can usually be found on your state DOR website. Ask your CPA if this is the year to consider a Related Finance Company (RFC). If it is, you may have additional work to do to set up the corporation, bank accounts, business licensing, and other setup work.

Average Unit Cost to Sell (AUCS)

Take your total administrative costs for the year and divide that amount by the number of cars sold. This number is the amount of money each unit costs you over and above related costs. It is good to keep this AUCS number in mind as you go into next year.

Related Costs 

Related costs are those things that can be attributed to or tied to a specific unit, such as:

  • Initial purchase or investment.

  • Floor plan costs.

  • Repairs, Maintenance, & Fuel.

  • Commission.

  • Tax & Title Fees.

  • Casualty/ Charge off losses.

Administrative Costs 

Administrative costs are general expenses that affect every car, such as:

  • Rent/Mortgage.

  • Business, Property, and Income taxes Utilities (Lights, Internet, Phones).

  • Business Office Equipment (Computers, printers, fax machines, supplies). Software/Website costs.

  • Office and general lot salaries.

  • Advertising.

  • Professional / Legal Fees (Association Memberships, CPA, Attorney, etc.).

Your CPA can advise you on whether your Admin Costs are in line with your business model. You must set your pricing on sales to include this AUCS and set your profit targets accordingly.

Cash Flow

This also is an ideal time to evaluate your cash flow position and decide whether to adjust the business needs or practices accordingly.

Web Presence

If you do not have a web presence, please consider it. More than 80% of used-car buyers, even at the sub-prime level, researched their purchase on the internet before committing to a deal.

5. Legal Compliance & Regulations


Take time to evaluate your compliance with the FTC’s Red Flags and Privacy Acts Rules. The Red Flags Rule requires specified firms to create a written Identity Theft Prevention Program (ITPP) designed to identify, detect and respond to “red flags”—patterns, practices or specific activities—that could indicate identity theft. Read more about the Red Flags Act here: FTC FACT Act Red Flags Rule Template - finra

Note: Download these Acts to see if you are fully compliant. Contact your attorney to help if you need it.


What is the Corporate Transparency Act?

Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act in 2021 as part of the National Defense Act. This law aims to reduce illicit activity, such as money laundering, terrorism, tax evasion, and other financial crimes, by requiring certain businesses to report their BOI (identifying information about the individuals who directly or indirectly own or control a company). This information will not be of public record but will be available to a variety of agencies, and possibly to others in the future.

The CTA will affect virtually all small family businesses, including limited liability companies and other entities designed only to hold real estate.

Who is Required to Report Under the CTA’s BOI Reporting Requirement?
All domestic and foreign entities that have filed formation or registration documents with a U.S. state (or Indian tribe), unless they meet one of 23 enumerated exceptions, including:

  • Exempt: Large operating entities that meet all of the following criteria:

    • Employ more than 20 people in the U.S.

    • Had gross revenue (or sales) over $5 million on the prior year’s tax return

    • Has a physical office in the U.S

  • Exempt: Publicly traded companies that have registered under Section 102 of SOX.

Even if an entity has only one owner and/or an entity is ignored for federal income tax purposes (such as a single member limited liability company), that entity must file reports with FinCEN.

If you have any interest in a closely held entity or if you exert significant control over any such entity, even without an ownership interest (this might include any officer, director, manager, chief financial officer, or investment trustee), then you may be subject to these requirements.

When Must Companies File?

  • New entities (created/registered after December 31, 2023) must file within 90 days.

  • Existing entities (created/registered before January 1, 2024) must file by January 1, 2025.

  • Reporting companies that have changes to previously reported information or discover inaccuracies in previously filed reports must file within 30 days

What Information Needs to be Reported?

Each reporting company must report the following information:

  • Full legal name of the reporting company and any trade or DBA names

  • Business address

  • State of formation or registration


In addition, each reporting company must report the following details on its beneficial owners and, for newly created entities, its company applicant(s): name, birthdate, address, unique identifying number and issuing jurisdiction from an acceptable identification document (and image of such document)

What are the Taxpayer Penalties for Noncompliance with the Statute?

  • Civil penalties are up to $500 per day that a violation continues

  • Criminal penalties include a $10,000 fine and/or up to two years of imprisonment

Additional Resources and Guides:

AICPA’s BOI Reporting Guidance and Resources Page

Small Entity Compliance Guide

FinCEN Exemptions


6. Tax Max Special Offer

Tax season is just around the corner, and with inflation-adjusted tax brackets and increases in the Additional Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit, customers are set to receive larger refunds this year. 

The key question is: how can your dealership ensure you’re first in line when your customers receive their tax refund checks? The answer is simple—become a Tax Max dealer and offer an in-house tax program to help customers utilize their tax refund at your dealership!

With the Tax Max “File and Drive” Sales Event, launching January 2, you can offer your customers an effortless way to turn their W-2 and tax refund into a down payment on a vehicle at your dealership. 

Tax Max works directly with your customers to maximize their refund and deliver it quickly. Even better, the refund is sent directly to your dealership first, giving you the advantage. Customers can even access up to $7,000 on the same day they file through Tax Max’s “Refund Advance Program” upon approval. This program requires no additional work from your staff—Tax Max and your customers handle the entire process via their phone and your website. Tax Max files the customer’s tax return, the refund goes to your dealership as a large down payment, and the customer drives off in their car. It’s that simple.

For dealerships focused on collections, Tax Max also offers the “File and Keep Driving” program, which provides a risk-free solution to assist past-due customers in getting current. Beginning in January, your collections team can reach out to delinquent accounts and offer this program as an alternative to repossession. This approach helps keep customers on track while reducing risk for your dealership.

NOTE: As a Wayne Reaves Software customer, you’re eligible for 50% off any Tax Max package when you use the coupon code: WAYNE. Don’t miss this opportunity to position your dealership for success this tax season.

To learn more, contact the Tax Max support team at 813-987-2199 or visit www.taxmax.com today. Act now and be first to access your customers’ large tax refund checks this season!


7. Technology Check-up

End of year is a great time to revisit your technology. Are you getting the most out of your technology? Are you current? Check out your business machine inventory and see if you need to update anything. With all the holiday specials, this is actually a great time of year to buy computers and technology. Remember to go for business-class equipment. Home-use printers and bargain basement computers do not belong in a business. 


When buying computers, look for those with the Professional Versions of Windows. If you are not sure about a particular model, please get the specific brand and model number, and call  Wayne Reaves Technical Support at 888.477.9707. We can look up information on the model and advise if it meets the necessary specifications. If you only have one computer, get a second one (especially a good laptop) to use in case of emergency. Make sure that this computer can run the programs needed.


Your primary business printer should be a business-class black and white Laser printer with PCL6 capability and Automatic Duplex. Look for one with an “Ethernet” connection if you need a Networked Printer. Please note: Inkjet printers may not work well with our forms printing, and Wireless Printing is not supported or recommended.

Check Your Data Backup Plan
Legacy Desktop users need to back up their data to ensure that it is secure. Online (DotNet) and ProDMS users do not need to back up the DMS data, but they do need to back up QuickBooks or Peachtree, documents, images, and other important programs on their computers.

You Should have TWO Backup Plans

A second backup plan is important. We recommend physical backups (removable hard drives) as well as secure cloud-based backups.

Emergency Planning
Develop an emergency plan to deal with natural or environmental disasters, such as fires, floods, storms, or any other event that endangers the physical location of your data or prevents safe access to it. A viable Emergency Plan for your data can include:

  • Imaging all business records, such as:

    • Employee files, business licenses, titles, or any other hard to replace critical documents.

    • Regular inventory, transactions, and receivables reports.

Password-protect Sensitive Electronic Files
Get in the habit of password-protecting your electronic files that hold sensitive information. Store these files off-site both as a physical copy on a removable disk in a fire- and water-proof safe, and in a secure cloud-based service. Update passwords as needed from time to time.

Emergency Contact Lists
Create and distribute emergency contact lists for all employees and contractors. Update this list regularly. Make sure your staff has a plan to either evacuate if at your location, or what to do if they are still at home.

Time for Desktop User Upgrades

Upgrades are important because they provide access to new features, enhance performance and efficiency, maintain compatibility with newer technologies, and ultimately help you stay competitive by keeping your systems up-to-date with the latest advancements. In general, this leads to a better user experience and potentially reduces costs in the long run. 

Please go to waynereaves.com/software-updates to find out more. 

Note: Wayne Reaves Software typically does not perform upgrades during “Tax Time” (January-March).

8. Equipment & Assets Inventory

The previous Technology Checkup section provided useful information for evaluating your technology ‘readiness’ not only with your business devices but with how to handle the security of your business information. End of year is also a good time to review your Equipment and Assets. Do you own what you think you own? If you haven’t already, make a full inventory of all of your equipment, including serial numbers, photos of the equipment, and state the valuation of each item. Decide whether or not an item will need replacement or major repairs in the coming year. Be prepared for these kinds of expenses. Discuss a purchase plan with your CPA before committing to it.
If you own Lot Vehicles, such as tow trucks or car hauling trailers, you also need to value and evaluate these vehicles. If your shop is slow this time of the year, take the opportunity to bring these assets in for preventative maintenance and inspections. Don’t let a $20 maintenance item become a $2000 major rework. Be prepared to evaluate your cost of ownership vs cost of replacement.

Supply Inventory

What do you have versus what do you need? Learning to do JIT (Just in Time) inventory management could save you a lot of money. By analyzing your usage of a supply, and when it is ordered and delivered, you can set up a system of ordering just what you need, thereby cutting down on waste, storage space, and more

9. Used Car Market News

It’s always good to stay in step with what’s happening in the used car market. Here are a few recent articles, FYI.